This week coming is my birthday, and so far it's proving to be quite Victorian. Let it be said I'd like nothing more to be transported back to the late 19th Century, I'd be more than happy ringing a bell for tea (reality is I'd be more likely answering it). I truly am a sucker for anything Victorian, nothing pleases me more than a good old Masterpiece Theater and glass of wine on a Friday night. My birthday this week involves a 3 and an 8 (choose which order, it's fine). Dear friends are well aware of this Victorian passion and are used to going into a meditative state when I start talking about domestic violence in the Tenant of Wildfell Hall but this birthday they sure got it right with the old gifts! A fellow Piscean gave me this truly stunning Victorian jacket, bodice number above, wow, it's amazing...the fabric! the chartreuse colour!
Another dear friend handmade these ridiculously gorgeous cards below, with my initials in the corner, Victorian lady on bike....turn it over, it's the lady from behind! Each envelope includes a little torn piece of Victorian goodness also....beautiful!
These two below are more from my growing Victorian collection, the black velvet bolero I found in an incredible store called Vanessa's in Baltimore, this store is insanely cheap and Vanessa will keep you occupied and digging for literally hours. Once when I was there I picked up a gorgeous silk slip, in NYC this would run close to $100, she charged me $5, and seemed fairly apologetic as it had a barely-there tear, go there if you can!
This weekend our Etsy store goes on vacation for two weeks, as soon as I get back I'm taking up this Victorian pastime below, photo collage, would also love to start a book club, how can I find other Victorian ladies?!
Amy x